Kids can help too!
Critter Creation Kit Parties
Student groups are essential in helping assemble Critter Creation Kits! Each kit needs small stuffing packets, yarn threaded, tags sewn and eyes attached or pom pom tails created. Many hands make it more fun!
Learn to Knit
Noelle, Laura and Ainsley also teach small student groups to knit. Girl Scout troops, Moms Night Out events and schools contact us to learn!
CKC worked with the guidance counselor to offer knitting club for 5th graders at Willow Springs Elementary school from 2017-2019. Students learned to knit and then made their squares into bunnies!
Bake Sales
Set up a booth or go door to door selling treats to support CKC! All proceeds fund the cost of shipping critters to hospitals across the country or Critter Creation Kit supplies. Please contact us for brochures or posters to bling out your booth!